Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ding Dong It's Fa*lun *Gong

Oh, where do I begin, in thw description of my conversion? Let's go back ...... to yesterday. The whole tribe was at the mall, picking up my Mac that was undergoing repair. Yes, we were sans computer for FIVE days. It wasn't pretty
We were approached by a man in a Chinese costume, who gleefully suggested that we come to the "Di*vine Per*forming Arts" show the following day - "Kids 1/2 price for you because it is a wonderful show for them to see and learn 5000 years of Chinese history." The Lawyer rolled her eyes as I plunked down $75 for 3 tickets - only Ana and Elly wanted to go with me.
Just as I was paying, Lewis' nose started bleeding. GUSHING. I held a tissue to his nose and the Lawyer took off to get some napkins. A little old Chinese lady, who was with the costumed guy but sitting off to the side, rushes over. She pantomimes for Lewis to hook his middle fingers together and pull. He's freaking out too much so she takes her curved middle fingers, curves his, hooks her middle fingers onto his and pulls. I take the tissue down from Lewis' nose to fold it and the blood has stopped. It was weird, to say the least. His bloody noses last FOREVER but this woman stopped it immediately.
So this afternoon I went to the performance at a local theater. Something in the brochure mentioned that the company was proud to include some artist who practice fa*lun gong. Little did I know that I had paid $75 for a down home fa*lun gong revival! Interspersed with dances of the Monkey King, Mulan, and the first emperor of China, were "numbers" that included beating and killing fa*lun gong practitioners, who were made to look like freshly scrubbed missionaries in their khakis and polo shirts. A couple of shrieking sopranos sang joyfully of "di*vine oaths fulfilled," "leaflets in hand* born only* of effort and compassion" and when you find yourself in times of trouble, "remember da*fa* hao" (the Great* Way is good). It was all music and dance. All the singing was in Mandarin, with subtitles flashing on the background screen.
After 2 1/2 hrs, the merriment was over. I asked the girls how they liked it. Ana said, "It was weird." Elly said "I LOVED IT! IT WAS SO PRETTY! A little convert in the making.


Suz said...

HA! Remember, Elizabeth probably understood all the Mandarin!!!!!!
Love from Aunt Suzie

Cavatica said...

That's one cool nose bleed remedy!