Monday, October 20, 2008

I'm in l*o*v*e

As the dude at the Apple store told me, "After years of darkness, welcome back to the light!" I HATE PCs! We went to the Mac store on Saturday and I got a shiny, new MAC. Ahhhhhhhhhh, now to figure out how to keep it safe from Lewis, who is a computer nightmare. He goes online to play games and will click on anything that looks cool. Don't mess with the machine, Boy.


Juliette said...

Hubby is a Mac addict so if you need help, just ask.
Have fun with your new toy!

Mamacita said...

Mmmmm, sexy!

crazylady said...

Once you go B_Mac you never go back, as they say
will have to modify my site tracker accordingly

Suz said...

Have you discovered the teeny tiny camera in the front?