Monday, March 3, 2008

When Aunt Suzie wants an update.......

I say, "Ma'am, yes Ma'am." She is my big sister, you know.
Yup, I've had a blogging lull. Do you really want more bowling pictures?
Ana had $1200 worth of dental work done - that probably does merit a photo. Filling, sealant, crown & a retainer for the tooth she had to have pulled last month. Ka-ching.
The puppies have had diarrhea for 4 days - definitely don't want that picture, even in your head, I'm sure.
We had our annual Chinese New year party at our house a couple of weeks ago and I took NO PICTURES! How horrible is that?
Here are some of the recent haps:

Our rat terrier, Daisy should just be known as "Princess." She is the most darling 5 lb dog on the planet. Even 14 yr old "Grandma" Cody tolerates her. Daisy is usually in someone's arms when she is awake.

Frances is tolerating her braces a little bit better. At least she's eating again.

Kids at Frances' school take up an instrument, starting in 4th grade. Because Frances started violin lessons in Kindergarten, she just practices during lesson times. The teacher asked Frances to play the duet part to a piece that 2 other girls were working on and play it at the orchestra concert. Frances was the only one in the trio to show up at the concert. So guess who was playing a duet with the orchestra teacher? It was a song she learned to play 4 years ago so she was embarrassed to be up there playing it. Chin up girl, with a mother like me, you'll have plenty of opportunities to feel embarrassed. I told Frances she could invite the orchestra teacher to her next violin school recital so she can see how well she plays.

In Western NY, when the temperature hits 65 in early March, EVERYONE is outside, enjoying the tropical weather. Tomorrow we're supposed to get an ice storm and a high temp of 30!
The troops are ready for a spin around the block! Everyone is giddy!

They're off!

Frances: "MAN, I should have worn a long sleeve shirt......and my flip-flops are all wet."

Analise: "MAMA, I"M GETTING ALL WET AND DIRTY......Can we go home now?"

Lewis and Elly: God only knows. They were so far ahead of us. All I could hear was their screams of joy.


Mamacita said...

That's a 4-pack of Cuteness right there!

Suz said...

Thank God that Will Farrell is gone, whoever he was! Tell Frances that she had better be keeping her mouth closed in a thunderstorm!!
Love, Aunt Suzie

Maia said...

Look at those kiddos!! You are a lucky, lucky mom!
We're dealing with those spring weather swings here in CO too.