Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Baby's got a brand new look

Frances, circa 2008

Frances, circa July 2009

Just in time for middle school!


Suz said...

Those glasses are the coolest! And now they don't have to compete with the green and the silver! What was all that green, anyway?

"M2" said...

love the new glasses

but you're really referring to braces off no?

very pretty.

Barbara said...

Yes, M, she got her braces off.
She got the glasses last Fall but ALWAYS gets compliments on them. They're way cool.
Suzie, the colors are bands that they changed every month. Frances could choose from an array of colors and she would choose a color to go with the season or holiday!

Snowflowers Mum said...

I know it's been said, but those glasses are uber cool!

Frances W said...

I know they are