On Sunday night, Elly said that she couldn't wait to go to school the next day so she could tell everyone what she did. I asked what her favorite thing was and she looked at me like I was crazy. "I saw a LIMO Mom and they let me look inside! It was totally awesome!" On Saturday night, one of our neighbors went to his prom and his pals came to pick him up in a limo. My kids were hysterical with excitement. Frances said "I can't believe that I've never been in a limo." I told her that I never have either and I'm just a few decades older than she is.
Tonight was Frances' last concert at her school. She's going to MIDDLE SCHOOL next year. I feel faint already.
I usually can't even see Frances when she's sitting because she's such a shorty. Here's a rare viewing.
They had a special guest playing with them and stood for the last song. Isn't she adorable? The girl next to her is her "stand partner." They have shared a music stand for orchestra and chamber all year. They are the same level so they have fun playing together.
Never in a limo???? Poor baby!
Ya think maybe Frances is just a girl with STANDARDS? Hello???? She looked really cute in that yellow dress with the black stretchy things.
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