In my never-ending quest to open the world of possibilities to my little chickies, I enrolled them all in a week long session of fencing. We go all this week for an hour every afternoon. Today I embarrassed them by pulling out my camera to take some pictures. I didn't make anyone pose and didn't use a flash though, so I got some points for that. They are all enjoying it but Frances claims she HATES it, for the pubescent effect, I think. Lewis had 2 timeouts yesterday for not listening and today the teacher threatened to kick him out when he whacked his sister with his foil. What the heck is 1st grade going to be like for the boy?
They're suited up and ready!
Frances, Ana & Lewis were "paired" up for the first exercise.
Elly was partnered with a little boy who just stood there, doing NOTHING!
Frances, listening intently, as usual.
Frances and Lew were paired up another time. Frances spent most of the session telling him to behave himself.
The little angel himself.
That is so cool!
I think it's scary, teaching your children to use weapons. You do realize they outnumber you in the house . . . .
I love the huge costume on the small kid. I think this sport teaches incredible focus. Great idea to enroll.
Good fences make for good neighbours.
That is one Incredible! idea for the kids. I have a hidden desire to poke people with swords myself.
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