A post-Xmas-post wouldn't be complete without an inventory of the bootie. I will only submit to the highlowlights.
When my niece Jenifer asked me what Frances wanted for Xmas, I didn't skip a beat - "office supplies." She LOVES them. Jenifer was doubtful so she asked Frances what she wanted........... yup, office supplies. Frances was even more thrilled to get a tote to organize her supplies.
Lewis got some flashlights from Aunt Suzie. He especially likes the head lamp. The kids play "laser light show" in their rooms with flashlights - with these new supplies, I now call it "Cirque de laser light show."
On Xmas morning, the kids were up at 6:30. My rule is that Mama has to have a cup of coffee before gifts can be ripped into. By 7:00, they were done opening. I didn't buy silly-filler-crap. I got down to business. Everyone got a gift of their dreams (nin*tendo ds for Ana, *uggs for Frances, mar*iocart for our *wii for Lewie & leap*ster for Elly), a game, books, & an outfit. It felt good and sane.
In the afternoon we went to see the Lawyer's peeps. Ana and Elly were intent on navigating their new toys.
Aunt Laurie called me a couple of weeks before Xmas to get some gift ideas. She had her own idea for Frances - a circuit set..... hmmmm, I was a little uncertain about that. I thought she would either LOVE it or HATE it. She loved it!
A couple of days after Xmas, we had a mini heat wave - 60s and sunny! All of the snow melted and the kids got to play outside. Lewis got a plasma car for Xmas and everyone had a great time playing with it...... except for Lewis who was taking the aforementioned nap due to cranky behavior.
This is how you'll often find me in the summer, in my lifeguard chair, controlling the chaos. This is my winter version, hanging out and doing sudoku. No cocktail, Silly! It's only 2:00!
On one of our winter break field trips, we went to feed the chickadees, at a local park.
The hands are ready. although *some* people are a little too giggly to attract the birds.
The Lawyer, Elly, and Ana got the chickadees to eat peanuts from their hands. Frances wouldn't take off her big, bulky gloves which I guess the chickadees don't like. Lewis was too............. Lewielike.
Frances was invited over to a friend's house for a New Year's Eve party. I told the Mom that I was sure that Frances would rather hang out with her Mama on NYE. Frances just rolled her eyes. I don't get it.