Cousin Mary is, in a NUTshell, a typewriter. She engages in nervous titter ALL THE TIME. She needs a deep tissue massage and a few years of therapy. Mary is from the hicks in Western NY and was impressed by the big city lights of Rochester. We went bowling on Friday - I bowled an 87........with bumpers!!
Elly managed to score a time-out! Isn't her posture just too ladylike??
Is Ana too cute? She could barely lift the 8 pounder.
It took several minutes for the ball to amble down the lane but Ana managed to get 2 spares!
Mary, who claimed to be a near champion bowler although she has never bowled before, shows off her form. Notice the ball is not touching the floor? She hefted it over her head and threw it - I nearly saw everyone in the vicinity's lives flash before my eyes.
Does Ana know that you put a picture up with her fanny sticking out????
oh yes, it is all coming back to me know. Four kids. Yes yes. Might have gone to 5 while I was away.
The Bush counter still cracks me up greatly.
The bowling shot is worth framing (or blackmailing worthy)
I love bowling, I just took my little one to celebrate her birthday at the bowling alley. It was a lot of fun as is your Bush meter.
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