Saturday, September 8, 2007

Last reads of the summer

Oh, gone are the days of lounging in the morning, drinking my coffee and reading. Since I started back to school on Monday, I've read 35 pages of my new book! That's it! Well I am also reading a kids' book, Stargirl, if that counts.
This one I really liked; it touched an emotional nerve. A teenaged girl relinquishes her baby and meets him when he's in his 20s. She considers herself the "real" mom and they fall into a pretty traditional mother/son relationship. Made me REALLY wonder about my kids' birthmothers. Without a map

I reluctantly bought this one. So many people raved about it. Not me. It chronicles the lives of a snooty family and the only (adult) child's pals. The one gay character was a stereotypical flamer. Most of the others were self-involved bores. The vocabulary in this book was unreal. I'm going to make a list of the words I didn't know and quiz Aunt Suzie someday - she is WAY smart! The emperor's children

I read this one in a day. They were fictitious stories of Tibet and they were great, simple and great. Stick out your tongue

This should be on the recommended reading list for all parents who adopt an "older" child! It helps me understand and deal with Elizabeth's issues. I was amazed when Elizabeth fit the reactive attachment disorder profile to a "T." Parenting the hurt child

Shallow, fun! When I picked it up at Target, Frances said, "what's it called, Quickle?" Yes honey and don't mind that naked woman on top of that dude, either.
The quickie


Suz said...

The little pictures don't enlarge - I can't tell the names of the books! You should put them in the text. Meanwhile, what is the name of the book about Eliz?

crazylady said...

Doesn't reading blogs count?
That's the extent of my time allowance.

Barbara said...

That's because you clean your house, Crazy. Mine looks like the remains of a bad wind storm.

"M2" said...

I've been drowning myself in books like "Quickie"
it helps pass the time